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Are You READY to Shed Your Limitations and Experience Life at Your Highest Potential?

Join Executive Coaches + Samurai Master Kitano Sensei to Discover What You’re Truly Capable of

Our students hail from:

Self Mastery is the ability to take charge of your life and achieve success and happiness on your own terms. It is an end to the excuses, rationalizations and burnout that has held you back for too long.

It is a flourishing of personal power that enables you to achieve a life beyond your dreams.

As executive coaches for 30+ years we’ve been successful at helping some of the world’s top leaders unlock more of their potential. Our underlying intention has always been to help more people experience the magic that comes from this process we call Self Mastery.

In 2023 we serendipitously met Japanese Samurai Master Kitano Sensei and began training with him. We didn’t know it at the time but Sensei is one of the most powerful Samurai Masters in the world, and his techniques take what we’ve been doing with clients to a much higher level.

We created The School of Self Mastery in partnership with Sensei so more people can experience a true increase in their success, energy, focus, power, and optimism, and reclaim the feeling that so much more is possible.

We look forward to meeting you inside,

Lauren & Todd

Self Mastery is the ability to take charge of your life and achieve success and happiness on your own terms. It is an end to the excuses, rationalizations and burnout that has held you back for too long.

It is a flourishing of personal power that enables you to achieve a life beyond your dreams.

As executive coaches for 30+ years we’ve been successful at helping some of the world’s top leaders unlock more of their potential. Our underlying intention has always been to help more people experience the magic that comes from this process we call Self Mastery.

In 2023 we serendipitously met Japanese Samurai Master Kitano Sensei and began training with him. We didn’t know it at the time but Sensei is one of the most powerful Samurai Masters in the world, and his techniques take what we’ve been doing with clients to a much higher level.

We created The School of Self Mastery in partnership with Sensei so more people can experience a true increase in their success, energy, focus, power, and optimism, and reclaim the feeling that so much more is possible.

We look forward to meeting you inside,

Lauren & Todd

How Our School Works:

Self Mastery focuses on 12 practice areas that empower you to systematically dissolve limitations and unleash potential in every domain of your life.





What Students Say:

Weekly Trainings:

We run one live Zoom training each week, giving you a consistent place to explore, reflect, and grow.

Week #1 - Wisdom Teaching:

An overview of the month’s practice area + a key practice for breaking through self-imposed limitations.

Week #2 - Samurai Training:

Kitano Sensei shares ancient - sometimes secret - practices to enhance physical vitality and mental clarity.

Week #3 - Live Coaching + Q&A:

You’ll have the opportunity to ask questions and interact with us, Sensei + other community members.

Week #4 - Expert Guests:

Learn from NYT best-selling authors, researchers, scientists, and spiritual teachers who’ll share game-changing practices.

You’ll have 24/7 access to our dedicated platform with all recordings, resources, access to coaches + our community.

Here’s How to Join:

Here’s How
to Join:

Our base membership costs $49 / mo and includes a minimum of 4 live coaching sessions and Samurai workshops each month + our full archives and a highly energized community of people who are unlocking more of their potential. JOIN NOW and get the first 30 days on us:
**Online martial arts training with Sensei can be purchased within the school for an additional $99 per month

About Kitano Sensei

Kitano Sensei is one of the most advanced Samurai in the world today with Dojos in the US, Japan, and Poland. His students range from corporate CEOs to Hollywood celebrities to Olympic athletes. Most importantly, he is one of four Samurai to receive the Qi energy that enables him to do some truly superhuman things.

Sensei has practiced martial arts throughout his lifetime and now holds 6 black belts including the oldest form of Samurai martial arts, Katori Shinto Ryu. Within our school you’ll receive his life altering perspectives + ancient Samurai Katas (movements and forms) that will increase your energy, focus and optimism.

Sensei also facilitates two online martial arts training sessions each month which can be purchased as an add-on within the School.

The way of the Samurai is to live in the moment and perfect it. We do the best we can at any given moment and accept any outcome. We respect the laws of nature and try to harmonize with nature. By doing so, we will enrich our lives and attain greater power that we have within.” ~ Kitano Sensei

Upcoming Expert Speakers:

Your Hosts:

Todd Jason

has helped devise programs over the last 20 years that have reached over 10 million people, working with some of the biggest teachers in the world, including Eckhart Tolle, Tony Robbins, Marianne Williamson, Deepak Chopra and many others. His work has been featured on CNBC, VH1 and in the New York Times.

Lauren Gold

is an executive coach known for her expertise in powerful communication and life transformation. She taught one of the most popular courses at Stanford Business School, has coached hundreds of executives from Fortune 500 companies, and her TEDTalk “Don’t Believe Everything You Think” on unlocking your true potential now has over 3 million views.

Praise for Our Work:

Praise for
Our Work:


May ‘24:

Amplifying Self Control & Discipline

Learn how to harness your negative thoughts and behaviors into fuel for transformation.

Samurai Training: Body Over Mind for optimal performance


June ‘24:

Creating Healthy, Power Habits

Learn both ancient and modern power routines with practices for increased energy and optimism.

Samurai Training: Ancient Secrets of SLEEP


July ‘24:

Unlock the Superpower of Flow States

Learn how to experience a constant state of flow and ease while working and also in your personal life.

Samurai Training: How to have the mindset of ‘Peace on the Battlefield’

>> Register For Self Mastery Here

The School of Self Mastery is for anyone with a desire to experience more of their personal potential. The wonderfully diverse personal & professional backgrounds magnetized by Kitano Sensei and our school is awesome – and you’ll find common ground with executives, stay at home parents, artists, entrepreneurs, people recently laid off, researchers, CEO’s and many others….

Our members share the common desire to improve their physical health, have better relationships, and to engage with professional work aligned with their highest values. We have a ‘we’re all in this together’ attitude and you’ll find a unique sense of tribe in our programs.
Yes. Inside our school you’ll have access to: → Online martial arts training with Sensei – he offers two online classes per month and it’s an additional $99 / mo.

→ Communication masterclasses from Lauren and Todd – you’ll have access to several online courses that focus on communication, emotional intelligence and relational mastery. Some of these courses have a one-time fee, others are free.

→ Access to 1:1 coaching – Inside our school we offer discounted ‘spot’ coaching and 1:1 packages for those who require in the moment support or continued assistance.
Email to send us a quick note and we’ll get right back to you.

Your journey is about to begin...

Your journey
is about to begin

© 2024 The School of Self Mastery